
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday Randoms

Hello! Today I feel like writing about a little bit of everything.

This morning, Liza did a little craft. It was super quick and now we have a little St. Paddy's Day decoration in our window.

 I ripped up some green and yellow tissue paper. You could also let your kiddo do the ripping, but my girl was eating her breakfast.

I also cut a pretty awesome shamrock out of contact paper. Don't laugh at my freehand skills :)

And Liza did the rest! 

I like to put things in this window because it helps cut down on the sun glare without me having to lower the shade. 

I  dyed some pasta last week for Liza's sensory table. All you need is some cheap pasta, food coloring, Ziploc bags, and rubbing alcohol. I think you could also use hand sanitizer.

Dump your pasta into a Ziploc bag and add a few drops of food coloring and the rubbing alcohol. Then shake it up. We did some dancing at the same time. 

Once the color is coating all of the pasta you can dump it out onto some newspaper or paper towels to dry.

Now you have some colorful things for your kiddo to explore. You can do all different colors, shapes, and sizes!

I also had a little time to make a few headbands recently. Here are two of them.

I also cracked up when I read this last night over on the Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures blog.  I always laugh at her posts, but I especially loved this one because it describes my relationship with cloth diapers perfectly! You should read it!

My weaning plan pretty much went in the trash over the weekend. I was really sick and just went into survival mode so that I could sleep as much as possible. Sometimes you just need to do whatever helps you to survive! I think I'll modify my plan a tiny bit and start again. Ugh, why can't this stuff be easy?!

We are looking forward to some warmer spring-like weather this week! Liza is very excited to visit the animals at the zoo with her boyfriends later this week!

How's your Tuesday going?

XOXO Sarah


  1. I've been learning how to use my mom's old sewing machine! Happily looking for patterns/tutorials now that I'm getting the basics down.

    Earlier I tried to comment on your weaning post but sometimes your blog doesn't let me post replies, ugh. Anyhoo, wanted to tell you good luck! Phil and I have been thinking about trying for a third - am I CRAZY?! - and I'm guessing things are working alright because with both kiddos I got my period back before my postpartum apt. What gives?!

    1. Hey I have three kids! Your not crazy! lol :) my husband wouldn't mind having a fourth but I am not sure I am on board. Ha!

    2. HI Karla!
      My mom bought be a sweing maching for Christmas and I've use it once. I had so much fun, but I never think ahead before going to the fbric store so I never know how much fabric, etc. that I need to buy. It's one of my goals for the spring! Number 3?!?! DO IT!! I know you could! It took 20 1/2 months over here, Karla! Haha :)
      XO Sarah
