
Friday, June 15, 2012

Our Dads

Yippee! It's Friday!

Before we get started, we just wanted to let you know that over the next few days there will be some updates to our blog! We are very excited for a new look and hope that once things are all finished, you will enjoy it too!!

In honor of Father's Day, we would like to share five things about our fathers with you.


Well, for months I have planned to write a post entitled, "On Being 30," but seeing as though I am no longer 30 (sigh.), I am happy to share with you a few things that my father has taught me. I might look more like my mother, but I seem to be a lot like my dad. Except my feisty side. That's all my mom.

My Daddy

1. My dad taught me to take things in and to really think about them before making any decisions. Not to rush into things. That sometimes it is best to not  think with my emotions, as I sometimes do. Hey, I am Italian. Well, a little bit.

2. My dad taught me not to be lazy. I even had a hard time calling out of work when I was sick. Well, except for the time I called out "sick" to attend the Red Sox World Series parade! But, I know that was different, that was for the Red Sox. Speaking of the Red Sox, I loved going to the games with my dad and grandfather when I was young!

3. My dad made me do me things that not all girls learn to do. I can grill, mow the lawn, throw a ball, and follow baseball. He taught me how important it is to find interest in some of the things my husband is interested in so that we can do them together.

4. He showed me how I should be loved. Watching my dad love my mom caused me to have high standards when it came to relationships and I am very thankful to have found someone to love me the way I deserve to be loved.

5. My dad has the most steady character out of anyone I have ever known. Does that make sense? I hope I can be as true to myself as he is to himself.

Mom, Dad, Brother, Me :)
I Love you, Dad!!

XOXO Sarah

I am so happy it's Friday! This means only one week until vacation! It's been a tough few days because my hubs has been working long hours. I am thankful though for the wonderful ladies I have met here that make the days go by fast!

 Happy Birthday to Sarah! I can't believe we are in our 30's, seems like yesterday she was driving me around in her old 1984 Toyota Camry with the broken radio. We had to bring a battery operated cd/radio boom box in the car with us. Those were great memories! I look forward to creating many more. Love you Sarah! xo

We were 16 here. And very cool.

I have some great childhood memories of me and my dad.

1.When I was 4 or 5 I used to eat raw little necks with my dad. My mom thought it was funny.

2. He used to buy me baseball cards so I could trade with the neighborhood boys. One of those neighborhood boys is still my friend today, and my son's Godfather. :)

3. He bought me my first softball glove and would play with me. He never discouraged me even though I really wasn't that great at the sport. LOL

4. He taught me to ride a bike without training wheels. That tradition was passed onto my big girl. He also taught her how to ride last year.

5. He took me on my first roller coaster at rocky point. I remember being chicken, but it was a great memory anyway!

I am thankful for my dad and I love him very much!

Me and my Dad

Hugs, Katey

Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! We hope you all have a great weekend!



  1. Sarah, your brother looks SO MUCH like your dad!

  2. Sarah--I love this! Your dad sounds a lot like my dad! Especially when it come to the Sox and instilling that strong work ethic (I too always felt guilty calling out of work!!)

  3. You both have beautiful, loving families. Isn't God good? Have a wonderful Father's Day with your Dads and enjoy every minute you spend with them.
