
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Old MacDonald

Here is what is in Liza's sensory bin right now!

This is a bin that I had been planning to do all along, but ended up being totally random. It ended up being a little more rushed then I would have liked. Liza was napping one afternoon and it started raining. I had tons of laundry to get done and knew that the rest of the afternoon needed to be dedicated to housework. Which, of course, I was avoiding during her nap. It made perfect sense to me to make her a new sensory bin :)

Here's what I found around my house to create this Farm Bin:
  • popcorn kernels (they happened to be expired. ew.)
  • whole wheat angel hair (i just grabbed a small bunch and broke it up to be hay)
  • the acorns that Liza had collected
  • pine cones
  • mini hay bales (left over from Liza's 1st birthday party!)
  • some fake leaves and berries
  • farm animals and farm toys

Super simple and super fun!

Yup, that's Calliou...someone shoot me.

Please remember that you can easily adapt this for children of all ages. Younger toddlers and preschool aged children would love this too!  Just use your mommy instincts.

Oh, and check out the farm bin my friend Michele from Dodging Acorns created for her cuties.

What can you find around your house to use in a sensory bin? I bet you have more than you think :)

XOXO Sarah

**So sorry about the crappy IPhone pictures.**


  1. I love the idea of a sensory bin! Fantastic!! Pinning this to my education board! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. That is so cool and I like how you incorporated some Fall items. I wonder if my my G would try to eat any of those popcorn kernels or acorns? She is nearly 2.

  3. That's a great idea and you can change it for the seasons.

  4. You are so creative! I love this! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I saw your pics of this on instagram and was wondering what it was-- such a fab idea!!

  6. That is awesome. What a great idea for the fall!
