
Friday, October 26, 2012

Snap Shot of Her Life

This week we've been linking up to adventuroo this week as part of her "Week In My Life" challenge.

I decided to approach this project so it would be a little diary of what Liza does during the week. I hope that someday she enjoys this!

October 21-25, 2012


We tagged our Christmas tree today!

Um, how gorgeous is my town?!

This is what happens when your husband is a lot taller than you...I look like a floating head.

I need to wear more makeup :)


We had a laid back morning. I tried to keep you busy so I could get some housework done.

Painting your pumpkin
 We made pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips. Yummy!

 You painted a canvas that I've been meaning to use forever.

Mommy fail: I got distracted and forgot to take the tape off right away.
 Mommy cuddles!

You have gymnastics today, but we need to change the slipcovers on the couch first! You have fun jumping and climbing on the cushions.

After your nap we went outside to play. We raked some leaves and you loved having your own rake.

It was a beautiful fall day!

You look like me as a toddler in this picture!


We are tired this morning. You did not sleep well last night and kept me up for a few hours in the middle of the night. Starbucks was a priority for mommy!

 Then it was time for music class! You LOVE Miss Joanne from Tunes 4 Tots. We have been attending her classes since you were about 7 months old and you've made some cute little friends.

Next, we made a quick stop at Target and you insisted on walking the "balance beam."

 While you were napping, construction started (again!) outside of our house and I said a little prayer for you to sleep through the jack hammering!

At this point in the day, I wasn't feeling very well so I gave you some paper and glue. This kept you busy for a bit :)

 Pancakes for dinner! Making pancakes with your daddy is one of your favorite things to do!


Another lazy morning. Mommy feels sick with a stuffy nose, but laundry, floors washed, and meatballs made all before lunch. Go me :)

I snuck up on you and filmed you singing your favorite song.

 You also, played dress up.

Emptied your piggy bank and were busy counting your money...did I mention that you wouldn't nap today?

We picked up your favorite person at the bus stop-

My sweet niece who is worried that her new baby cousin won't love her as much as Liza does!

Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner!

And I almost forgot, 26 week baby bump!

How's your week going?!

Don't forget to check out the adventuroo blog and all the fun link ups!

XOXO Sarah


  1. What a cute post. You SO DO NOT need to wear more makeup. You are absolutely gorgeous as is your family!

  2. LOVE your baby bump! Sigh...I want another one right now. LOL! :) Adorable pictures...Liza is too cute! We have that same Britax it. Great post! (oh and I agree with look beautiful! No need for more makeup)

    1. K sings "Pickle, pickle little star." What a great post & glimpse into L's week! :)

    2. K is so cute! L couldn't understand why he wasn't at gymnastics yesterday!

    3. Thanks, Megan. And we love that car seat too!

  3. So cute!!!! And girl, you are gorgeous, forget the makeup!!! That baby bump almost makes me feel that twinge for a baby again.... and it's gone. Phew. ;-) Great week, great post!

  4. Great post! I am sure Liza will love this when she is older..great job mommy!!!!! Love ya, Angel

  5. You have the most adorable baby bump!!! You're beautiful!

  6. So sweet! I agree - adorable belly and you don't need more makeup.

    It's funny how so many kiddos do the same thing - like the "balance beam," breakfast-for-dinner, love of glue (and all things messy), etc. And of course, my kiddos don't always nap - *sigh*

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks! I was so sad I forgot to peel the tape off, but it only messed things up a little. She had a lot of fun painting!!

  8. How fun that you tagged a Christmas tree! You're on it, girl! I love all the pictures--looks like you've had a fun week so far!

    1. I have tagged a Christmas tree for as long as I can remember so it is something I look forward to doing every year! You should try it!

  9. So love it!! Liza is so adorable, I love hearing her sing!! How did her painting come out?? I want to do that with B. :)

    1. You did something similar, right? It came out pretty cute, but I messed up her "i" a little bit. Oh, well!

  10. Your daughter looked so cute raking the leaves and baking! =)

  11. You have a beautiful family and you look gorgeous in the pics!
