
Monday, February 11, 2013

The "wicked' Storm

Hi there!

It sure has been quite a weekend here in the New England. We got quite the blizzard, leaving myself without power for a few days. There are still others in the region that are still waiting for it to be restored.

Before the start of the blizzard
The storm started in the evening on Friday and didn't end until Saturday afternoon. We had met our neighbors a few times but don't really know them. One if them reached out and lent my husband his snow blower. The other gave us some homemade soup, and later he installed a generator for us at no charge.

After my husband dug us out we ventured to my in laws and stayed there along with my my hubs brother and his family. It was quite an adventure! Thankful to them for opening their house to all of us!
 We are also extremely thankful for my husbands employer for dropping a generator off at our house. All in all it was a "wicked" storm but the kindness of others helped us get through it.

Just about 2feet of snow

You can't really see our street

Thank you for letting us borrow a snow blower! 

How was your blizzard experience? Do you have power yet?



1 comment:

  1. We were snowed in w/o power & water while my husband was at his 24-hour work shift. Luckily, we have a wood stove so we kept that going for heat. I got really grumpy and impatient trying to clean up, make meals and take care of everyone during the storm!
