
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Snow Paint

It's Wednesday! We're getting closer to the weekend :)

The weather here in Rhode Island hasn't felt very Christmas like. In fact, it has felt a lot like spring. Rain and temperatures in the 60's. I can't complain too much because come January and February I will be wishing for weather like this, but around Christmastime we just like a little snow around here!
I found this tutorial (I really love her snowflakes...I just didn't have time to get that fancy!) on Pinterest a few weeks ago and decided to give it a whirl. This project cost me less than $2.00.
  • White foam shaving cream
  • White glue (we used Elmer's)
  • Paper
  • Paintbrushes
  • Glitter would be a super fun addition!
  • Mix equal parts shaving cream and glue in a bowl
  • Paint away

Liza was very excited to paint with her "snow."

The paintbrushes didn't make it too long. Using her hands was more up her 2 year old alley.

It was neat to listen to her explaining to me what the "snow" felt like. This conversation was unprompted and I loved every second of hearing words like sticky, fluffy and goopy come out of her mouth. It's the teacher inside of me :)

It took a while for these paintings to dry, but when they did it was pretty neat. The goopier parts dried nice a fluffy and it gave the illusion of snow. Liza decided to experiment with one of her pictures by peeling all the fluffy parts off. Added sensory experience, I guess!

I think that even big kids would like this activity. The would probably enjoy making a snow scene or some fun snowmen.

Try it out!

XOXO Sarah


  1. Great idea! I will have to try this with the boys!

  2. I'm going to try this tomorrow! Thank you for another great toddler friendly project! :)

  3. ooh...what if you add glitter after?

    1. I think glitter would make it AWESOME! Did you try it yet?

  4. this is great, I def think I will do this with the kids this winter! Thank you!

  5. I love this idea! I will be trying it for sure.

  6. I agree that it hasn't felt much like Christmas yet, weather-wise. I would love a white Christmas. This is a great idea to get you in the snowy spirit in the meantime! :)

    1. I'd love a white Christmas and a warm February! Is that too much to ask?!

  7. My girls love messy art activities! Thanks for the idea.

  8. What a unique way to "paint!" I'm sure dad won't mind if we borrow some of his shaving cream. :) Cute idea!

  9. Do you think this would work for B? He love, love, loves painting!!

    1. YES! He would love it. Just expect him to get messy because shaving cream is too tempting :)
