
Monday, December 10, 2012

Wrapping Sensory

It's Monday and Christmas is creeping up on me!

Do you have a lot of wrapping paper scraps laying around? If so, they will make the perfect filling for a sensory box!

Wrapping Paper Sensory Box:

  • Wrapping paper scraps
  • Kid scissors
  • Throw some wrapping paper (maybe add some tissue paper too!) into a container
  • Let your kiddo tear and/or cut it into pieces
You could tear it up before putting it in or let your tot have at it with a pair of scissors.

In the past,  I have also added tape and small boxes and created a wrapping station (or maybe make it part of Santa's Workshop!), but although I  am sure my girl would love to get her hands on some tape, I skipped it. Maybe next year.

Ya, she liked sitting INSIDE the box.

This is an activity that I only take out when I am around to supervise Liza with her scissors. I practiced with her and helped her to properly handle them. 

She insisted on holding her new Winnie the Pooh the whole time :)

That's what is inside our sensory bin at the moment, but it will soon change. I hope to whip up something fun in there before the North Pole party I am throwing for a few of Liza's toddler friends!
XOXO Sarah


  1. Cute idea Sarah!! B is finally learning about the excitement of wrapping paper, as he unwraps a different Christmas book every day for reading. He's very into tearing. I think he would love this!! :)

    1. Thanks, Melissa! Let me know if you try it with B!!

  2. What a cute idea. G loves to tear everything into shreds.

  3. Great idea! My daughter loves to sit in boxes these days :)

  4. Great idea! Sensory play is so important. I need to bite the bullet and let Stephanie try scissors. She adores tape, although it's frustrating for me because she crinkles it up and then wants me to "fix" it. We do a lot of torn paper art around here :)

    1. I have to spend more time with her and scissors. And I am a huge believer in sensory play!

  5. Boxes are still king in our home. They are decorated and the foundation blocks for forts. This is a great way to develop motor skills!

    1. I love that! I hate getting rid of boxes and containers :)

  6. Great idea, too bad my kids aren't allow to use scissors anymore.

  7. Cute idea!!! I'm scared of scissors but I need to let my 3 year old start using them...

  8. Super cute idea! I love that she's in the box. My babe is too young for scissors, BUT this is in the file!

  9. Thanks for all your comments! I LOVE to read them!

  10. So fun!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  11. Such a great idea! Fun and learning at the same time!
