
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ramp Fun

In yesterday's post, I helped you use up some of those wrapping paper scraps you had laying around and today I want to show you how I used an empty wrapping paper tube to entertain my kiddo.

Ramp/Tunnel Fun:
  • Empty wrapping paper tube
  • Small ball or matchbox car
  • Painters tape 

  • Tape or prop up your wrapping paper roll
  • Let your kiddo send down a ball or car

When the hubby came home he told me it was a great idea, but he could make it way better.

 So, Mr. Engineer propped up the tube on a box and then added a little bowl (which he filled with rice to weigh it down) so that Liza could try and roll the ball down the ramp and into the bowl.

She thought it was pretty dang cool. Jumping up and down and cheering for her ball. 

I think daddy had just as much fun. Even though he won't admit it...

Just to be clear, I could have TOTALLY thought that up on my own, but you know, I was too busy. Busy making lasagna for dinner so I thought I did a pretty decent job keeping her busy so I could layer that sauce, meat, and cheese masterpiece up! Hehe :)
XOXO Sarah


  1. This is such a cute idea. Probably kept them busy for hours!

  2. My kids find all sorts of things to do with the empty wrapping paper roll and any empty box they snatch up in seconds.

  3. Love it!! B loves ramps and tunnels too!!

  4. Love it!!! We just inherited like 100 feet of tracks for hot wheels/matchbox cars from my nephew, my son is going to go insane when he sees it all!!! Great idea.

    1. That sounds super fun!!! L would love that too!

  5. My kids always make swords with these. My husband loves to join in the fun!

  6. G will love this! Thanks for another great activity!

  7. Such a cute activity! My husband would love this too. :)

  8. So creative! I love this - thanks for sharing!
