Friday, July 20, 2012

An update on my boy

Happy Friday!

We finally got a little break from the heat here. It is in around 73 degrees, so this morning we took a walk to Starbucks.  I love that place!! 

I just wanted to give a quick update on Baby J. Here is the first post when he was 10 months and
here is an update when he was 14 months. 

14 months in this picture
Baby J isn't really a baby anymore, he is now a full blown toddler. This makes me sad! This past week he had a doctors appointment and now weighs a little over 19 lbs and is 29 inches long. The doctor says he is a peanut and is not too concerned. I just hope he ends up taller than his sisters.

He started hobbling around our house at 14 months and a few weeks ago on vacation he started really getting the hang of walking.  So now at 16 months he is a normal curious toddler into everything. 

This whole experience has taught me to go with your instincts and take what the doctors say with a grain of salt. Remembering it is ok to get a second opinion. I have also learned that breast milk was best for us, and I was not going to let the doctor bully me into giving my son formula. It has proven that my little boy was just fine the whole time. You can't just go based on the growth charts, it is necessary to look at the child as a whole.

My boy loves the beach

I hope you enjoy your weekend!




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