Hello there!!
I would like to share from time to time some photography tips and tricks I have learned.
First, let me start with a short disclaimer. I am by no means a professional photographer. I call myself a photography enthusiast. I have taken two photography courses which have taught me to take a better than average photo, and to be creative while utilizing the tools around me. My goal when I started out was to learn how to use my fancy DSLR camera in a different mode other than auto, and to take better pictures of my children. I believe as a mother (or father), you are your child's best photographer!!
You already know I have a fancy camera, but I also have a canon powershot! I love my canon powershot, especially because it is so compact and takes awesome pictures! I love that I can carry it in my purse and take it out at any moment! Sometimes I find my fancy camera to be rather bulky.
My DIY background can be done with either camera. I had to do an assignment for my class, so what better way than take this opportunity to photograph my Jacob. I began to contemplate what I could do in the house, because it was too cold outside. I remembered I had bought a twin size black sheet a few months ago and this was the perfect time to utilize it. I went into Jacob's bedroom and tucked the sheet into his crib, draping it over the rail, and onto the floor. I placed Jacob on the floor on top of the sheet, then I propped myself onto the floor to his eye level and started snapping pictures.
His sister was entertaining him next to me, making him laugh which was an added bonus. I find taking pictures when the children are having fun is key to getting great photos!

You can definitely do this with any color sheet or blanket. Duct taping it to a wall is also another option. Just let your creativity flow! :)
I found this blog to be great for tips on creating your own at home mini studio. You really do not have to spend a lot of money & it can be so much fun for little ones who love to dress up!
Do you have a photography tip or trick you would like to share with us? We would love to hear from you!
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