Wednesday, September 5, 2012

School Days

I have been doing a bit of reflecting back on our time in Canada. We moved to Ontario two years ago. I honestly can't believe how quick it went.  I love to look back at the pictures of my kids and see how much they have grown over time. 

First day of grade 1 in Ontario.

 First day of grade 2

Many children go back to school this week. Yesterday my big girl started 3rd grade. She was so excited to get up and go to school. She surprised us by setting the alarm on her iPod. This is a sure sign that she  is getting older and more responsible. The past two days she has gotten up on her own and dressed herself.  I am happy she wears uniforms because it  would be more difficult getting dressed. 

 First day of grade 3

She had a great first day! We are making the most of our last two months here. 
It is great to get back into routines.  The start to the school year is a fresh start for me as well. I am hoping to get organized and clean out some of the stuff we have before we move. 

Wish me luck!! :giggle

What does the start of the new school year mean for you? 



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